Peer Learning
At Truman State University, we have about 1,500 students each semester who are taking Classical and Modern languages and all who enroll in the first or second year of a language are required to meet once a week with a Peer Teacher in small group Peer Learning Sessions.
We hire about 60 to 70 advanced language students every semester to help teach our elementary and intermediate classes. They meet with groups of 5-6 students and conduct speaking and listening activities directly connected to their language class. They discuss cultural issues and lead grammar lessons in any of the 12 languages we teach.
Peer Learning sessions are an extension of the students’ language course providing more individual attention and practice. Faculty meet regularly with their Peer Teachers and provide them with lesson plans and guidance in conducting the sessions. Students enroll in Peer Learning sessions in class during the second week of the semester. They begin the third week of the semester and run through the last week of classes.